Meet Laura Zaytsoff: artist, birder, bibliophile, and the Children’s, Youth and Outreach Librarian at the Castlegar Public Library. But chances are, if you work at a library in the Kootenays, you already know Laura through her work with the Summer Reading Club.
Indeed, for the past seventeen years, Laura has been involved with SRC in one form or another. More recently, she has served as the annual SRC Training Day Coordinator and sat on the BC SRC Core Committee as co-chair for three years. The leadership Laura has shown within the KLF is inspirational.
Her enthusiasm for the program is contagious and I know has inspired and encouraged many a youth – not to mention, youth coordinator.
The KLF sat down with Laura and asked her some reflection questions about her experiences working with the program. Read on to get inspired.
KLF: What was it like to be involved with the SRC all these years?
LZ: Throughout all of my work with SRC, I have been super inspired. SRC gives me energy, excitement, and hope for the future of libraries. I love seeing it all through the eyes of the children who attend these programs.
KLF: What did it teach you about libraries?
LZ: Coming from a smaller library in BC, it was interesting to work with the BC SRC Core Committee and meet people from far and wide. Seeing how everyone ran their SRC was super fascinating! It also reminded me that although we may be spread apart and have differences in programs and collections that we are all connected in our love for literacy and sharing that love with our communities.
KLF: What are some of your favourite memories?
LZ: Some of my favourite memories include watching kids come to SRC over multiple years, and watching them grow and come into their own as they grew up. I love watching kids fall in love with reading and the library.
One of my favourite memories of working with the core committee was figuring out how to navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic and shift everything to an online and then hybrid format after restrictions eased. I loved watching everyone’s commitment to the program continue throughout the pandemic years and to see how everything came together with everyone’s determination and passion.
KLF: What are some of the things you look back on and cringe at the memory?
LZ: Honestly, there’s nothing really cringe-worthy. If there ever was anything, I try to look at it with the lens of it being a lesson; there is always something to learn, even from our mistakes and cringe-worthy moments!
KLF: Why is SRC so important for libraries to do?
LZ: Inspiring kids to keep reading throughout the summer is super important, and key to avoiding the summer slide once they return to school. Furthermore, I feel like it is just an important thing for libraries to do to connect with the kids and community they serve. Watching kids and families who come to SRC continue to form these memories and connections well past SRC is something every library benefits from.
KLF: What theme stands out as the best one and why was it so good?
LZ: I have two! My first-year theme, Catch the Reading Bug, will always hold a special place in my heart simply because it was my first step into the Summer Reading Club as a coordinator.
My second favourite theme would be ‘All Together Now’ which was the theme in 2022. I loved the artwork, vibe, and how the theme was literally us coming together after the years of restrictions around the COVID-19 pandemic. It was just a feel-good time.
KLF: How did the KLF relationships enhance the SRC staff experience?
LZ: The KLF has always been so supportive of the SRC and staff experiences! I will forever be grateful to the KLF who has helped encourage staff development through the SRC Training Day every June. They also always help out with an entertainer each summer, which enhances the program for each library by providing extra fun to the kids who attend.
KLF: What is your hope for the future of SRC?
LZ: My hope for the future of SRC is just that it continues to go strong and inspire future kids and librarians to keep spreading the love of literacy. The program is truly a such a gem.
KLF: Do you have any new vocational goals?
LZ: Right now, my vocational goals include developing inclusive programs for the kids and youth in my community – through programs here at the library as well as through community connections.
This autumn we are hoping to introduce a new program that takes inspiration from SRC in its weekly themes, keeping track of what they are reading, and inspiring them to keep a love for books year-round. I am excited to watch this program grow and develop over the next few months!
Thanks Laura for all the tremendous work you have done for the KLF with SRC – your enthusiasm, experience, leadership and artistic gifts have made a difference in the lives of so many Kootenay kids, as well as library programmers. Kudos to Laura!
Do you have a staff member or a project you want to nominate for kudos? Please get in touch at