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Elisha Rose Author Talk

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Join us for our next Author Talk: Elisha Rose, March 6 th , 6:30 PT/ 7:30 MT on Zoom. Elisha is the author of I Am Worthy, a memoir of her experiences with a partner experiencing addiction. The program will conclude with questions and open discussion.
This is a free event, register here:
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

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Announcing �� Author Talk: Elisha Rose, March 6 th , 6:30 PT/ 7:30 MT. Elisha is the author of I Am Worthy: There is No Love Without Truth, a memoir of her experiences loving an addict and keeping his secrets. This is a free zoom event.
Elisha’s story is based on her belief that addiction is a disease. Elisha’s story is about resilience, compassion, tremendous vulnerability, and most of all, possibility. There will be time for questions and open discussion following the presentation.
Register here:
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

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Author Talk: Elisha Rose, March 6 th , 6:30 PT/ 7:30 MT on zoom. Elisha is the author of I Am Worthy, a memoir of her experiences loving an addict. Elisha’s story is based on her belief that addiction is a disease. Followed by a Q&A.
This is a free event, register here:
Possible hashtags: #authortalk #memoir #truestory #addiction #mentalhelth


Author Talk: Elisha Rose
I Am Worthy: There is No Love Without Truth
Wednesday, March 6 at 6:30 PT/7:30MT
Elisha is the author of I Am Worthy: There is No Love Without Truth, a memoir of her experiences loving an addict. Elisha’s story is based on her belief that addiction is a disease. There will be time for questions and open discussion following the presentation.
Register with this link: